Saturday 2 February 2013

Straight from Twitter #1 - Twilight sucks

That 'Warm Bodies' is frankly the most ridiculous concept for a movie I've every heard in my life. It's brilliant.
See, despite the subject matter of the film itself being something I despise, it's nice to see something different for once instead of the usual adrenalinegunspewpewpewexplosionsmissilescarchase nonsense films of today. Oh, and all that crap spawned by Twilight.
Don't get me wrong, Twilight was a fantastic concept, before they ruined it by having the whole love theme throughout it. I'd much rather have seen a werewolf vs vampire free-for-all deathmatch with Muse songs in it than what actually happened, but that's life I suppose.

The Rants of Flag: An intro

Why hello there! My name is Flag Captured, and I like to rant a lot. Well, it's not actually Flag Captured, that's evidently an alias that's used to make me sound vastly more interesting and exciting than my real name lets on, so that's why for the purposes of this, it's Flag Captured.

"So, Mr.Captured" I hear you ask, "why have you set up this blog called 'The Rants of Flag'?" and the answer is simple. To compliment society on all the good it has done for the world.

Nah, I'm just kidding - I get mad, rant about things on Twitter occasionally and to prevent people unfollowing, I'm migrating the rants here. I'm also rather cynical, so that helps matters.

So, hope you stick around for a bit and laugh at my blatant ignorance or whatever.